What a wonderful weekend in Green Bay and the Fox Valley. I gave a free talk Friday evening at Rin Tin Inn Pet Lodge. What a fabulous venue and host, Forrest Micke, could not be more friendly or accommodating. I was in awe of the peacefulness and the beauty of the boarding facility. Frankly, I was ready to throw a sleeping bag on the floor of the boarding house and spend the weekend there! We had a nice turn out of people interested in finding out more about animal communication.
Saturday was a day of pet dog fun at the Family Pet Expo presented by the Mit Liebe German Shepherd Rescue of WI. Portia accompanied me on this trip to WI and also escorted me to the expo. She was the perfect companion and really behaved well throughout the trip. Our booth was located between the Fox Valley Ferret Rescue and the RoseBerry Avian Rescue. At one point I left Portia crated in a travel kennel in the booth while I went in search of food and a cold beverage – it was HOT! Apparently she thought I was gone too long because she unzipped the kennel and came looking for me. The ferret people and the bird folks wrangled her up and held on to her until I returned. She was a dog on a mission and by the time they caught her she had made her way about halfway around the expo taking the exact path I had taken when I left the booth. What a smart and loyal dog!
I bought a few nifty dog things at the expo. One thing was this magnet, which I thought was funny, but not sure it's appropriate on the back of my work truck...
Sunday it was back to Rin Tin Inn for a full day animal communication workshop. At the workshop participants learned to open their hearts and minds to the possibility of animal communication and to learn techniques on how to communicate with their companion animals. By the end of class everyone was exhausted, but they had also successfully communicated with many of the participating animals. I was very impressed by the skills of this beginner class and inspired to pull together a more challenging course for future visits to this area.
After the class Forrest was kind enough to allow my aging Portia to take a few bites on the bite sleeve. It’d been 6 years since she did any kind of Schutzhund training, but she still showed up with a full bite and proudly pranced off with the sleeve. I feel so blessed to have these pictures of her doing the sport she loves so much. Thanks to Laurel Stone and Steve Micke for taking the pictures and video.
And if you are in the Fox Valley area and you are looking for a great intuitive and compassionate trainer or you just need a place to send your dog for a vacation while you are out of town, you can’t go wrong with Forrest Micke and Rin Tin Inn.